03 May 21, 06:05AM
Glad you like it!
Yes, there are currently four official servers hosted on the masterserver. Thanks to XRD. Btw, here are some general docs.
Flowtron is currently working on some security related feature which will be finished soon. Other than that I think we should publish the app asap and not wait any longer. However, Flow is of the opinion that we should have a tutorial before publishing the app but my fear is that this is taking too long to complete because it requires conceptual work, coding and then also mapping. Would you show the help icon directly on the game screen (like, top-left) ? Scoreboard makes sense, someone else mentioned this as well.
Quote:How are the servers chosen for people? Are these "official" servers?
Yes, there are currently four official servers hosted on the masterserver. Thanks to XRD. Btw, here are some general docs.
Quote:How feature complete is this? That will help inform my level of issue submission. Two big things I'd recommend off the bat is a tutorial (or just showing the help image), and ability to show the scoreboard midgame.
Flowtron is currently working on some security related feature which will be finished soon. Other than that I think we should publish the app asap and not wait any longer. However, Flow is of the opinion that we should have a tutorial before publishing the app but my fear is that this is taking too long to complete because it requires conceptual work, coding and then also mapping. Would you show the help icon directly on the game screen (like, top-left) ? Scoreboard makes sense, someone else mentioned this as well.