Mapping tricks
Hello guys, I'm don't know too much about the last updates of AC map editor in 1.2 then i have some quick question, to can improve better in mapping again (i didn't found in AC documentation):

1) I remember an "auto heighfield command" to do irregular floors by giving some values in older AC version.

Quote:"/commandname value"

then it made crazy mountains rocks for example in the selected area.

PS: I know the heighfields manual way:  press "h" then use 8 & 9 to change the heighfield. my question is  only about the auto heighfields command creator.

Someone know what i'm talking about? This command exist yet? or was deleted?

2) About The arches:
Looks like the arches command got restrictions: if i select too much cubes, don't happen nothing when i choose an arches in the editing menu. if i use more than 5lines for example or more than 12 cubes large it's just transform the area to an heighfield area but don't make any arches...

What is that? Bug or restriction to limit arches abuse? can you give me an issue please, because i almost stop to use arches cause of that, manualy it's so much boring. and 3cubes arches is ugly xD

Thank your for your attention.
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Messages In This Thread
Mapping tricks - by (aCKa)Deathstar - 21 Apr 20, 11:26AM
RE: Mapping tricks - by Mr.Floppy - 21 Apr 20, 07:15PM
RE: Mapping tricks - by (aCKa)Deathstar - 22 Apr 20, 12:47PM