21 Feb 18, 02:09AM
I am posting this in the hopes that you will see reason, and overlook your personal wants, for the greater good.
I believe that in the current state that AC is in, we will not last much longer at all. I remember fondly the glory days, when our number of players was in the 6-digit region. It is quite common to see less than 30 players in the MS at any given time nowadays. I feel that if you were to step down that these numbers are likely to improve. My reasoning behind this has to do with the changes that you have facilitated during your time in control of development. I expect that at any time soon, I will log on and not find a single player online. Our popularity has severely diminished, and I honestly believe this has nothing to do with the "retro" factor, as many new games in this modern age are based on older technology, such as 8 & 16 bit tech.
I don't wish to prod you, nor belittle you any more than I already have. I only make this post public as validation that I have indeed tried to save our beloved community. I have stayed in contact with many older players, and this seems to be the consensus as to the only solution to our immediate problem with our game's popularity. I am of the opinion that XRD, jamz, f0r3v3r, Federico, and Medusa, among other talented individuals, are capable of coaxing AC back in the direction it needs to go (I have not discussed this with them, and they do not know I am posting this). I can only speculate that starting over again at 1.04 would be an enormous step in the right direction.
I politely ask that you turn over the reigns to someone that is more suited to the task of returning AC to it's former glory.
I believe that in the current state that AC is in, we will not last much longer at all. I remember fondly the glory days, when our number of players was in the 6-digit region. It is quite common to see less than 30 players in the MS at any given time nowadays. I feel that if you were to step down that these numbers are likely to improve. My reasoning behind this has to do with the changes that you have facilitated during your time in control of development. I expect that at any time soon, I will log on and not find a single player online. Our popularity has severely diminished, and I honestly believe this has nothing to do with the "retro" factor, as many new games in this modern age are based on older technology, such as 8 & 16 bit tech.
I don't wish to prod you, nor belittle you any more than I already have. I only make this post public as validation that I have indeed tried to save our beloved community. I have stayed in contact with many older players, and this seems to be the consensus as to the only solution to our immediate problem with our game's popularity. I am of the opinion that XRD, jamz, f0r3v3r, Federico, and Medusa, among other talented individuals, are capable of coaxing AC back in the direction it needs to go (I have not discussed this with them, and they do not know I am posting this). I can only speculate that starting over again at 1.04 would be an enormous step in the right direction.
I politely ask that you turn over the reigns to someone that is more suited to the task of returning AC to it's former glory.