18 Feb 18, 05:18PM
Shoot key: left mouse
Scope key: alt
I can't shoot with my sniper when I'm scoped in. But setting my shoot key to X, it works. Scoping with /altaction and shooting works. I even reset my binds and set them to the following, but still not working:
Forwards: W
Left: A
Backwards: S
Right: D
Attack: MOUSE1
Special: LALT
Jump: MOUSE2
Crouch: LSHIFT
Reload: R
Weapon menu: B
Next weapon: DOWN
Prev weapon: UP
Show scores: ?
Chat: T
Team chat: Y
Commandline: L
Console out: C
Screenshot: F12
Map overview: LCTRL
Fullscreen: ?
Tell me if I need to tell more about my hardware/software.
Scope key: alt
I can't shoot with my sniper when I'm scoped in. But setting my shoot key to X, it works. Scoping with /altaction and shooting works. I even reset my binds and set them to the following, but still not working:
Forwards: W
Left: A
Backwards: S
Right: D
Attack: MOUSE1
Special: LALT
Jump: MOUSE2
Crouch: LSHIFT
Reload: R
Weapon menu: B
Next weapon: DOWN
Prev weapon: UP
Show scores: ?
Chat: T
Team chat: Y
Commandline: L
Console out: C
Screenshot: F12
Map overview: LCTRL
Fullscreen: ?
Tell me if I need to tell more about my hardware/software.