(21 Dec 16, 05:34AM)Kayan Wrote: I've seen couple of larger and couple of more open being joyfully played on.
Well, now I could ask for some examples and try to figure out what exactly you consider 'huge' or 'open' and see how much experience you have with the cube engine and try to explain some constraints to you, but no. I'm not going to go down that road again, as I have all reasons to assume you will ignore those facts anyway.
(21 Dec 16, 05:34AM)Kayan Wrote: Do you even de_ bro?
I have no clue what you are trying to tell me here, sorry.
(21 Dec 16, 05:34AM)Kayan Wrote: So yeah, very dramatic. Thanks.
All right, that's also quite a constructive reply and sure will help to bring some kind of bomb defuse mode to AC. Though, maybe this has never been your intention and you really just came here and started that humble poll to find out whether people would like it or not, just for the heck of it. Well, then thank you for wasting my time.