Should new AC version keep/restore support for 32-bit Mac?
We consider, whether to drop officially support for 32-bit Mac (last 32-bit Mac was released with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard) in next version, like generally other programs. AC 1.2 uses 64-bit curl library, so official AC version can't be run on 32-bit Mac practically since about 3 years (last threads with complaints were created about 2 years ago).

The main reason of dropping officially the support is, that the newest versions of libraries, used by AC, are provided as 64-bit, so easier to keep them up-to-date, if we will use official libraries prepared by their developers - for example recently AC was ported from abandoned SDL 1.2 to SDL2 ( ), and SDL2 is provided officially only with 64-bit framework (library).

So do some players want to use 32-bit Mac to playing AC? We would like to know, how many such players can be.
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Messages In This Thread
Should new AC version keep/restore support for 32-bit Mac? - by grenadier - 03 Dec 16, 03:18PM