Discussion about AS|.unknown
If this is legit wallhack, it is not obvious...

Player connects @ 7 mr
OSOK on ac_douze

Here's my take on it:
4:38 seemed suspect, but plausible through sound and process of elimination.

3:42 seemed kind of suspect but, again, he could just be making predictions.

3:15 'dat no-scope...

3:05 didn't seem so suspect to me... I guess because he knows the guy is in the corner. I really thinks he gets lucky when he pulls right and then realizes he has moved down below and then changes his vantage point - rather than taking advantage of the shot.

It gets dicey around the platform as he misses multiple times aiming at the tower at 2:50 but again nothing obvious, since he realizes that is where the guy has to be.

At 2:30, where he tries to aim really specifically there seems a little suspect. And from then onward, it gets really shady.

2:22 He jumps down behind someone. If you have the sound adjusted you can hear the guy is there, but it isn't explainable otherwise, and looks suspect. Closer to being obvious, but still possible as a skilled move. Except that he completely misses the guy! Which makes me think even more that he caught the sound and thought he could surprise the guy down below. Or he just completely failed - even with wallhack.

2:15 He knows by now where the guy is and finally gets the shot after he jumps out from above.

2:03 Hardscoping the corner was fine but the confidence in the duration is what makes that suspect.

1:50-1:38 seems really suspect to me as he aims confidently in the first corner and then knows exactly where to go for the slash from above. This was very suspect, if not a very strategic and well executed move.

1:29 The aiming coming from around the corner seems really odd - but then he totally misses.

1:16 Awesome headshot trade.

He pretty much fails until he finally rage quits at 0:41 as his ratio dips below 2 - to an embarrassing 1.93!

If I have this right he finished with 4 Headshots, 3 Slashes, and 15 Frags to end with 29 Kills and 15 Deaths.

If I have the count right, he fired the Sniper Rifle with an accuracy 64.7% and he slashed successfully 18.7% of the time.

While these are not bad statistics at all, this does not seem like the evidence of an Obvious Cheat.

As much as I like it when MorganKell is happy, I am not sure this is such an easy case.
It is plausible that this is just a guy who has a very strong mastery of awareness on /osok ac_douze
Or he is a really bad wallhacker.
Thanks given by:

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