Hi Hellspell, that was me. Spawnkilling with a good ping is easy as Million said, and if you don't see someone immediately it's not too hard to figure out where people are given how small of a map douze is. I admit I was lucky a few times.

I spammed crouch and didn't do much the round you started spectating precisely for the reason I knew you would suspect me. Sorry if that was annoying.

Gun clicks like that instead of reloading if autoreloading is disabled, try `/autoreload 0`. It's useful for switching to knife or pistol after emptying a magazine.

Finally, you can start switching between weapons immediately after shooting with the last one. It's easier to do when using a keyboard bind (like default 1234) as opposed to mouse wheel.

Hope that clears this up.
Thanks given by: Million

Messages In This Thread
Hacks? - by Hellspell - 28 Aug 16, 09:07PM
RE: Hacks? - by yopa - 28 Aug 16, 10:52PM
RE: Hacks? - by Million - 29 Aug 16, 10:25AM
RE: Hacks? - by Hellspell - 30 Aug 16, 11:30PM
RE: Hacks? - by gy_be - 31 Aug 16, 06:45PM
RE: Hacks? - by gy_be - 30 Aug 16, 06:53PM