29 Aug 16, 05:38PM
For those of you who know what this is it's coming back. Those of you don't... well you're in for a fun ride. I like to write. Don't know why I stopped, but I'll bet I can blame most of life's problems on the fact that I did. Anyways... I always enjoyed the RP (for lack of a better term) aspect of AC. Becoming someone else. Entering a world of people and making a name for yourself, good or bad, separate from reality. Imagination / Fantasy in a sense. It's real. Ya'll know it and have experienced it in some way. My characters are real ingame shimmies in real ingame situations / maps / battles etc... Problem is my list of chars are a bit outdated and I don't know enough of you new shimmies in my mind yet to make it real and if the modern players can't relate then there is no point in writing. Sooo I'd like to ask... any shimmies interested in being in the AC Story please make a post with your name and favorite weapon.
Like this,
Any other pertinent information such as fav maps, preferred style, teammates is more than welcome. That up above however is the minimum I'll require to start.
I can give you a date for when the first segment will be released. It'll be two weeks from the posting of this topic. 8/29/2016 - 9/12/2016.
P.S. The reason I am rebooting this? Well I happened to run into a certain snake-headed Dutch lass of the sexy kind and it brought back all sorts of awesome memories. ;).
Like this,
Any other pertinent information such as fav maps, preferred style, teammates is more than welcome. That up above however is the minimum I'll require to start.
I can give you a date for when the first segment will be released. It'll be two weeks from the posting of this topic. 8/29/2016 - 9/12/2016.
P.S. The reason I am rebooting this? Well I happened to run into a certain snake-headed Dutch lass of the sexy kind and it brought back all sorts of awesome memories. ;).