01 Aug 16, 07:09AM
The one thing i always contributed was ingame skillage. Now I'm not saying I'm ridiculously l33t or anything just that if you ever found me in a server you were guaranteed to at least get a decent game. I've found that throughout AC's Awesomeness, yes it's still awesome, this is ultimately the best route for me to go. Free is awesome and the best way to solidify something is to stick with it. It may not be the glitziest most glamorous game out there by the Rest of the World's standards, and it may not even be that by our own... but it is ours. Lower the expectations a little, (yes I know how much lower can one go? xD), and just continue to click that Multiplayer button.
KH FTW!!! KH FTW!!! Triplepost ooncey ooncey shimmy SMACK
KH FTW!!! KH FTW!!! Triplepost ooncey ooncey shimmy SMACK