"old toshiba laptop"
this one?
[Image: zm_laptop_toshiba_t1100_plus_1.JPG]
or this ?
[Image: DSC_0563_zps0a6c02bd.jpg]

or another one from billion toshiba laptops? ^^

anyway try to use low res like 640x480 800x600 etc

also OS is important, at my old pc i had about 400-600 fps with Windows 7, 700-900 with Windows XP, and unstable 1000 at Arch Linux (minimal install, drivers and openbox only)
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+ , Mise" , D3M0NW0LF

Messages In This Thread
Low FPS - by Mhtsos - 15 Jul 16, 11:04AM
RE: Low FPS - by sukablya - 15 Jul 16, 11:40AM
RE: Low FPS - by Marti - 15 Jul 16, 12:30PM
RE: Low FPS - by X-Ray_Dog - 15 Jul 16, 03:41PM
RE: Low FPS - by Minion/Catico - 11 Aug 16, 07:23PM
RE: Low FPS - by suicidesquad - 11 Aug 16, 10:00PM
RE: Low FPS - by Hellspell - 26 Aug 16, 08:11PM