Is this forum's moderation failing?
Firstly, you posted that in a PUBLIC channel. If you had sent it to me privately, I would not have re-posted it here, but you chose to make it public knowledge in the channel.

My reason for posting that is two fold: First of all, you said you wanted mods rights. Well, this forum and the IRC are not two different things entirely. I think it is expected that if you are going to be in charge on maintaining some amount of order and trying to keep the peace on this forum, then you should be trying to do the same outside of the forum, too. There are a variety of people who could probably do an excellent job (and quite possibly a better job than I do) as moderators, but they are also the same people who keep a clear head everywhere.

My second reason for posting that was to show an example of what I meant by criticism that was not respectful or meaningful. If that had been a post on this forum, you would certainly have been banned (at least for the time being. This whole "zero tolerance" policy is a very temporary thing, until some formal forum rules are established). People are constantly posting garbage like that on the forum. As you said, you expected to be banned from my channel. Well, posts like that get people banned on the forum.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this forum's moderation failing? - by Zarjio - 29 Sep 10, 05:52PM