Is this forum's moderation failing?
I am sorry Zarj, as far as I am concerned IRC and AC are two different things entirely. Sure we use IRC to talk with friends and set up matches but it's not and never will be AC. Therefore whatever I say over there has nothing to do with anything I say over here. However I will explain what I said in your chat since you so kindly decided to make a spectacle of it and post it on the AC Forums.

"[08:00] =-= Mode #U| +v Morgan by ChanServ
[08:00] <Morgan> F*** D*** GO UNDEAD C*** B**** S*** W**** KICK ME U CANADIAN ASIAN KIKER F*** D*** S*** W****
[08:00] <--| Morgan has left #U|

I was simply throwing down for a couple of my homies, upon whom you so rudely whipped out your Ban Hammer of Justice. Not that they didn't deserve it, but being a topic about Forum Moderation you'd think you would have done it in a different way. Oh well. I believe I asked you to kick, and frankly wouldn't have been too surprised if you had banned me from the chat. I was expecting it. However you have decided to drag such a silly and stupid thing like that into this topic when a simple BAN FU MOGAN RAGE would have sufficed.

Tell me please, who is derailing this thread's topic now?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this forum's moderation failing? - by MorganKell - 29 Sep 10, 05:44PM