is "kainerex" a hacker?
those demo files are 'broken'. next time find them and post the links.
flag score hack
wall hack

EDIT: about the IP. apparently i have no access to the logs, let see what forever have to say about it :D
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Messages In This Thread
is "kainerex" a hacker? - by unarmed_only - 25 May 16, 12:15AM
RE: is "kainerex" a hacker? - by MPx - 25 May 16, 04:00PM
RE: is "kainerex" a hacker? - by Marti - 25 May 16, 06:20PM
RE: is "kainerex" a hacker? - by unarmed_only - 26 May 16, 10:44PM
RE: is "kainerex" a hacker? - by +f0r3v3r+ - 27 May 16, 03:55AM