Who uses fixed maprotations?
This is what the new maprot looks like:
// default settings for all maps:
* ctf|dm|htf|ktf|lss|osok|pf|surv|tdm|tktf|tlss|tosok|tpf|tsurv mintime:4 maxtime:20
* ctf|htf|tdm|tktf|tlss|tosok|tpf|tsurv time:15 maxteamsize:6  minplayers:4 // team modes
* dm|ktf|lss|osok|pf|surv               time:10 maxteamsize:10 maxplayers:7 // ffa modes

// default tweaks
* lss|osok|surv|tlss|tosok|tsurv weight:-10 // be careful with suggesting arena modes automatically
* pf|surv|tlss|tpf|tsurv manual:1 // players need to really want these
* ctf weight:10 // some players like this mode

see also: https://github.com/ac-stef/AC/blob/6cd44...maprot.cfg

Instead of being just a list, it is a means to set attributes for every combination of map and mode. Attributes are default game time, optimal range for number of players and how much the server owner likes the combination and how often it should come up. Other attributes can restrict voting or prevent the server from starting a game automatically (which means, a game would have to be voted for).

By shorting the map name with a placeholder (like "ac_desert*" or just "*", as above), rules can be applied to several (or all) maps at once - which is how the above example is actually a maprot that will play all maps known to the server.
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+

Messages In This Thread
Who uses fixed maprotations? - by stef - 02 Mar 16, 01:52PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by stef - 02 Mar 16, 07:33PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by Alien - 02 Mar 16, 11:59PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by stef - 04 Mar 16, 11:59AM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by Iguana - 11 Mar 16, 05:15PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by Waffles - 12 Mar 16, 12:43AM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by stef - 13 Mar 16, 07:25PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by Alien - 23 Mar 16, 12:18PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by MathiasB - 28 Mar 16, 01:52PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by stef - 01 Apr 16, 12:34PM
RE: Who uses fixed maprotations? - by Mousikos - 03 Apr 16, 04:35PM