29 Sep 10, 05:46AM
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: First, of all, no, this is not a player's forum. The developers are paying to maintain this forum, and they are administrators of the forum.
I can see why Undead is so frustrated with the moderators. It is obviously very hard to convey my thoughts adequately to you.
By this "First of all" post it almost sounds like your saying the devs do all of this with their own money? Well, that may be partially true, but I know for a fact they accept donations FROM THE COMMUNITY. And if this is "not a player's forum" then who is doing all this posting? Without the PLAYERS their would be NO AC COMMUNITY and no need for the forums, unless the moderators and the developers just want to ban all the players and talk amongst themselves?
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: Secondly, how exactly are "the people" supposed to choose who to ban, which topics to close, etc?
Remember in my second post when i said this?:
"Kindly read my post again, and this time don't skip over it till you find something you disagree with." This is an example of what I meant.
I explained this adequately in my first post with this statement:
"It can't be hard to implement a voting method into the forums. That way if enough people agree that the topic is redundant, useless, flaming, whatever...it can be bumped to a SPAM category, and read by choice. We ALL deserve a chance to see ANYONE's opinion on ANYTHING related to the game."
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: If you are suggesting "anything goes", then why don't we just have hacks, spambots, or better yet, some XXX-rated material on this forum?
Remember in my second post when i said this?:
"Kindly read my post again, and this time don't skip over it till you find something you disagree with." This is an example of what I meant.
I explained this adequately in my first post with this statement:
"I agree with anti cheat stuff, and a limit as to what is generally accepted as bad language/abusive/immoral behavior. But other than that, I think who posts what and where should be left up to the people."
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: On the other hand, if people get to vote on what is acceptable and what is not, then people will simply spend all day deciding who to try to get banned, and it will all come down to who hates who more, and things will be even more political than they are now.
No, we need "police" on this forum. Perhaps the methods for choosing those police ban be changed, but we will always need moderators.
I don't know about you, but I have never had a cop come to my door and tell me not to post something on a forum. I understand what you are trying to say, but neither you, nor anyone else NEEDS to tell me what to post or where. I don't need to be policed. This is an escape from reality, from the "real world" as it were. This AC community is a place I go to forget about all the nonsense of everyday life. I assume a lot of people feel this way. I don't want, nor do I need anyone implementing such a "real life" mentality as "policing" into my little fantasy world. I don't need a librarian telling me what notes to take from a book. I just need them to tell me where the book is, you know what I mean?
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: He knew full well that what he was posting was spam, and he was doing nothing but trolling, and so he has been removed from the discussion.It's not possible to say what someone else "knew", unless they verbalized it. There is a word for that.
"In Freudian psychology, Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, a tool, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings."-wikipedia
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: Actions have consequences.I guess the moderators of the AC forum have the right to punish the community for trivial things. I am sure that Hitler would agree. He would probably say that the consequences of performing Judaism are to be put to death. But that wouldn't make him right would it? In other words, you think banning these guys was appropriate. I don't. And I am sure a lot of people would agree with me. I am not comparing anyone of you to Hitler, but it seems I need to be a little more extreme in my explanations, so that you may actually pay attention to ALL of what I am saying, thus my over-the-top example.
"Actions have consequences...first rule of life. And the second rule is this - you are the only one responsible for your own actions."
~Holly Lisle, Fire In The Mist, 1992
(29 Sep 10, 04:21AM)U|Zarj Wrote: People need to learn they can't say whatever they heck they like online.I don't know about you, but I can say whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want. Prime example, I could have just posted cussing and acting like a moron and calling you guys all kinds of names. But I assume I would just be banned from the forums, AS WELL I SHOULD BE if I were to act that way. But instead I have taken the time to put plenty of thought into my reply, and to go about it in the most civil way I can. I am not interested in arguing, but forming a solid stance, based on fact and only mildly influenced by personal opinion, so as to present basis for compromise rather than a biased selfish solution.
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
~Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights