Whoa - Let me clear this up real quick. - I actually have no position of doing this officially on behalf of the Development staff, nor do I actually "run" any official part of AssaultCube at this time.
This blacklist is an example of a map blacklist that could be utilized by a server owner to blacklist the maps listed from being voted without admin.
I am not using this list on our servers currently, either.
As I have said before I just wanted to see what feedback I could gather from the community from this, and it is really only for my own personal use and not for any official capacity.
With that said, the maps that were chosen were only done by processing votes logged in the servers I run. So, everyone of these maps were voted on at some point, and the original script was only supposed to find maps with the words Towers, Camper, SWAT, or Kitchenzz in their name.
(clearly that version was somewhat broken as it found a few other unrelated maps, too)
This blacklist is an example of a map blacklist that could be utilized by a server owner to blacklist the maps listed from being voted without admin.
I am not using this list on our servers currently, either.
As I have said before I just wanted to see what feedback I could gather from the community from this, and it is really only for my own personal use and not for any official capacity.
With that said, the maps that were chosen were only done by processing votes logged in the servers I run. So, everyone of these maps were voted on at some point, and the original script was only supposed to find maps with the words Towers, Camper, SWAT, or Kitchenzz in their name.
(clearly that version was somewhat broken as it found a few other unrelated maps, too)