I dl'ed a few maps from Akimbo

Look for the following block:
newmenu maps

// Add maps to the below list to include them in the normal map menu (also for botmaps).
const defaultmaps [ac_aqueous ac_arabian ac_arctic ac_arid ac_avenue ac_cavern ac_complex ac_depot ac_desert ac_desert2 ac_desert3 ac_douze ac_edifice ac_elevation ac_gothic ac_iceroad ac_industrial ac_ingress ac_keller ac_lainio ac_mines ac_outpost ac_power ac_rattrap ac_scaffold ac_shine ac_snow ac_stellar ac_sunset ac_swamp ac_terros ac_toxic ac_urban ac_venison ac_wasteland ac_werk]
genmapitems    $defaultmaps
menuitem    [] -1
menuitem    (_ [Show all maps...]) [ showmenu [all maps] ]
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Messages In This Thread
I dl'ed a few maps from Akimbo - by megazell - 26 Jan 16, 06:30PM
RE: I dl'ed a few maps from Akimbo - by MPx - 27 Jan 16, 12:26AM
RE: I dl'ed a few maps from Akimbo - by +f0r3v3r+ - 27 Jan 16, 03:38AM