28 Sep 10, 07:59PM
Mr.Floppy Wrote:On topic. Sure, the moderation isn't perfect at the moment as there's no common ground to judge from. We're working on that one.You mean rules? Yes, I can't wait for it, actually.
Quote:However, I don't see how the moderators are in for fixing the low level of behaviour? How are we supposed to make you guys act mature and kind? We are not your dads or mums.Well, that'll be fixed once some kind of rules are implemented, because that'll provide a good grounding and consistency, and so idiocy gets kicked out much more quickly. Those wanting to participate in discussions will obviously not go against the rules => better forum => less time spent dealing with idiocy.
Quote:Seriously, though I admit the moderation needs to be organised better it's pretty cheap to point the finders at us,When I was making my post, the moderation was not getting any better... ie. the problem does lie in the moderation.
Quote:while half of the forum's posts are flames, redundancies, offends, bla-bla-chat and stuff which isn't even related to AC.Well, if we let a problem go on, it'll only get worse ;)... we need to start fixing it somewhere...
Quote:To me it feels like, you guys come in here partying and littering the place with chunk and now it's ours to clean the mess.There wouldn't be such a big problem now if there more transparency, consistency and strictness just a few months ago. Who allowed these guys to start littering the place in the first place? ;)
Quote: No sir, I won't do that. You've got to pay someone for this kind of service...One reason why I was addressing this to the people involved in active moderation, not to anyone moderating specifically.
Quote:As a matter of fact, everbody, not only the mods, everybody! needs to sustain a decent level of behaviour.Yep...
I'm sure a big number of smart people who are not in the moderation team have left simply because of that behaviour, so it's simply a feedback process... After all, if you can't have a proper discussion about AC in the AC forum, then you are very likely to give up.
I hope something good comes out of the mature writing in this thread :)