Weapons Menu
Hi guys,
This is waleed as know as .vM|W@leed on AC. Some of you guys probearly know that I can do lots of things such as creating graphics (Graphics designer), creating website (Web designer), Map editor on AC and few others which are not relevent to AC. I am also starting to get interest in coding such as C++ and python however that is not why I am writing this thread for.

Reason for me writing this thread is that I am starting to get into cube scripting and AC coding. I have explored through AC files and found lots of intresting things. But my aim was to try to add more weapons to AC weapons list, so there are more weapons to choose form. As you might have seen in other fps games, there are lots of different weapon choices are given, which is not the case in AC. I think that having more weapons in AC will make the game fun to play.

My idea is to be able to add more weapons to the weapons menu in AC, so that players can choose form a larger range of weapons. Even adding 4 more new weapons would be helpful.

i had looked through AC directory well over few times now and wasn't able to find any file/s which might help me add more weapons in the weapons list. I also wasn't able to find the weapons menu (idk if i missed it and if so let me know where i can find it) either. If anyone knows, please let me know. Also let everyone know what you think about this thread.
Thank you.
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Messages In This Thread
Weapons Menu - by championno99 - 31 Oct 15, 11:40PM
RE: Weapons Menu - by +f0r3v3r+ - 31 Oct 15, 11:56PM
RE: Weapons Menu - by Robtics - 01 Nov 15, 12:05AM
RE: Weapons Menu - by championno99 - 01 Nov 15, 12:19AM
RE: Weapons Menu - by +f0r3v3r+ - 01 Nov 15, 02:52AM
RE: Weapons Menu - by championno99 - 01 Nov 15, 04:15PM