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Halte, how many threads are you going to make about this subject. There are 4 threads about this type of thing, and half of them have been created by you... Just type your message in the old one lol.

As for the ideas, I like the idea of using the protox reskins, unless you are using an absolute toaster there shouldn't be issues. I'd personally prefer to have better models, instead of just reskins, but it's unlikely that will ever happen.

The competitive mode I'm... hesistant about. The best competitive mode would be something that just put all settings on low, to get as many frames as possible. The problem here is that if a new player accidently manages to turn this on, they may be repulsed by how ugly the game looks that they'll be turned off the game, especially if they don't know what they've done (they were changing multiple things in menus, etc).

As for the blacklist, I absolutely disagree with you here. Unless I've misunderstood you, you're saying that server owners can't blacklist IP's, and that the masterserver is enough. There are quite a few servers that are commonly used, but that aren't on the masterserver. The server is the property of the owner, and they are allowed to not let people connect. Picture this as a bar. The owner isn't allowed to permanently forbid entry to the bar because all of the criminals will be in jail. That absolutely stupid situation is basically what you're saying. If an owner wants to be an idiot with his/her server, you can't forbid him/her from doing so. It can be banned from the masterserver, but that's it. You have to allow the people running the servers to run them as they want.
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Messages In This Thread
next version - by Halte - 07 Jul 15, 02:08PM
RE: next version - by Vanquish - 07 Jul 15, 03:25PM
RE: next version - by quico - 07 Jul 15, 04:01PM
RE: next version - by Million - 07 Jul 15, 04:04PM
RE: next version - by Céd|FR| - 07 Jul 15, 04:05PM
RE: next version - by Halte - 10 Jul 15, 02:14AM
RE: next version - by Vanquish - 10 Jul 15, 11:40AM
RE: next version - by Luc@s - 10 Jul 15, 07:59PM
RE: next version - by quico - 10 Jul 15, 10:49AM
RE: next version - by Million - 10 Jul 15, 12:00PM
RE: next version - by sukablya - 10 Jul 15, 02:31PM
RE: next version - by EndGame - 10 Jul 15, 02:51PM
RE: next version - by Million - 27 Jul 15, 07:23PM
RE: next version - by Luc@s - 10 Jul 15, 08:09PM
RE: next version - by Halte - 10 Jul 15, 09:20PM
RE: next version - by Nightmare - 10 Jul 15, 10:10PM
RE: next version - by D3M0NW0LF - 15 Jul 15, 07:50PM
RE: next version - by NarcotiK - 27 Jul 15, 07:48PM
RE: next version - by EndGame - 27 Jul 15, 08:57PM
RE: next version - by Luc@s - 27 Jul 15, 09:01PM
RE: next version - by MorganKell - 27 Jul 15, 09:09PM
RE: next version - by Padfoot - 28 Jul 15, 07:23AM
RE: next version - by Halte - 28 Jul 15, 11:46AM
RE: next version - by Luc@s - 28 Jul 15, 11:54AM
RE: next version - by Halte - 28 Jul 15, 12:11PM
RE: next version - by Padfoot - 28 Jul 15, 02:11PM