(05 Jul 15, 06:14PM)Luc@s Wrote: so you're using this script as well ? i only saw al3rt and yopa using it.
Firstly: thanks for a civilised response.
EDIT: haha nice edit
I use the script, of course. If al3rt is using it, it's because I sent my entire autoexec to him, although to be honest you may simply have seen screenshots of me using it and not known, because we've been playing with each other's names for a few weeks now (al3rt is in 3i btw).
I'd disable it right now if it would make anyone any less suspicious I'm cheating, but anybody who knows what the hudecho function does (and also that an aimbot is much more obvious and easy to prove) would never have thought of it as anything more than a stupid "script" (if you even want to call it that) anyway.