(30 Jun 15, 04:37PM)Bullpup Wrote: With your bitch slap rappin' and your cocaine tongue.Because people are rude with me in the first place. If you have any example of someone i've attacked for no valid reason, please show me.
Luc@s continues to break the forum rules (rude to most everyone)
I've only provided a client here and been insulted for it. According to you i shoul djust accept it and shut i.
(30 Jun 15, 04:37PM)Bullpup Wrote: as well as the open source (Res ipsa loquitur) spirit of this once great community, and no one can real him in before his head wont fit thru his front doorNone of the ACWC clients were ever open source without you caring. If you want the match client to be merged into AC, help me doing that by telling the devs why its good; if i don't get any kind of support, its not gonna happen.
No respect.
If you also can't understand i don't want this project to be denatured before it is more advanced, that might be because you were never involved into such a project.