Is this forum's moderation failing?
Ok. Only to make it short:
- w00p is the oldest clan
- w00p always have been one of the biggest and strongst clans
- w00p has contributed many popular servers since a long time
- w00p has made fragfests long time before other ppl ever started to think about events
- w00p is hosting a quite popular ladder service

So, after this ascertainment of the facts it would be nice if we (and you - meaning the threadstarter) can now accept that other clans have had also their role in AC's history. Although some people can't imagine - the importance of the clan Tear you Down! (as like that of the most clans) isn't that big as like in the 0.93 and the beginning the 1.0 era. Also it is a misconception that we are "close" (or closer than others) to the devs - no, we aren't. I could trot several examples, but I'm sure that people don't believe me anyway - cause it is easier to hold on their construction of enemy stereotypes, their black-and-white-separation.

PS: Sorry if this becoming offtopic now, but this ongoing grumbling and accusing of the clan TyD! is going on my nerves.

And for the others out there - there is small line of wisdom for you:
"If you have no idea, it's sometimes better to shut the mouth rather then talking stupid"

2nd PS: Maybe it is a good idea to close down the "infrastructure" forums and to forbid similar discussions in the others as long the people aren't able to concentrate onto the prime aspect of all of this, which is playing the game AssaultCube.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this forum's moderation failing? - by Apollo{TyD} - 27 Sep 10, 03:55PM