Havent played for weeks.. Return to THIS..
if we look at this objectively

in the real world the majority of people would classify this as harassment and people would work to help the victim

in the virtual world the majority of people would classify this as something along the lines of harassment but would either not see it as a large concern, pay no attention to it or question why the victim is being harassed in the first place

note i am not saying one or the other is the better alternative or that everyone thinks like this; there are exceptions (such as witch hunters and doxxing, or bystanders): i just find it really interesting how we view it on two different environments, and i wonder if one side has the better idea or if the compromise is the best way to deal with things

food for thought
Thanks given by: Orynge

Messages In This Thread
RE: Havent played for weeks.. Return to THIS.. - by Cemer - 03 Jun 15, 11:35PM