Sad to see the decline in the playerbase
I was gonna write a troll post but after rethinking it I think I will make a legitimate suggestion.

Taken from a PM Lucas sent me a while ago:

Luc@s Wrote:So im in this position right now :

1) can't really work with the other devs because many of them are clueless and unhelpful
2) has to work with other great people (Drakas & sanzo), but some people are trying to ruin this for wrong reasons (honestly, your reasons are stupid as fuck). 
3) Nobody else wants to contribute. Show me someone who submitted anything interesting and coherent these days ? And if someone wants to get involved in the dev team, he has to submit something first; We're not accepting someone just because he pretends to "know" everything.

If you really meant #3, then now that Phantom has basically coded a working /pause feature, can he be placed under consideration for dev status? serious question, I hope you'll answer.

EDIT: fixed spacing
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RE: Sad to see the decline in the playerbase - by Vanquish - 01 Jun 15, 12:18PM