What would you actually like to see in AC?
I'd like to see some people actually get punished for their actions. Less trolls who run off half the community and the dev team. Less people who continue to break rules (i.e impersonating, insulting, and douchbagery just to name a few) and act like they are God's gift to AC for doing so. The public image to a new person could be ruined by such terrible characters. There are lesser known people who have been punished for such behavior, why can't a known person? Be nice to not have a poison in the community that bothers everyone so much that they would rather not play just to not deal with them. Notice the non-name dropping here. My bet is that the guilty person(s) speak up for themselves.
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RE: What would you actually like to see in AC? - by Pi_Halo - 27 May 15, 08:53PM