What would you actually like to see in AC?
I'm not much into the competitive scene, but a pause feature does seem as a good idea.
Weapon re-balance is a must imo.
Clearly define the master server into categories, so that random new players know what they're getting into. A better master server overall.
More players overall, more players per server.
As far as mapping goes, I'd like more control over mapping, less mapping restrictions, upgrade to the rendering engine, even more integration with akimbo.
Better anti spam and anti cheat measures.
Some kind of social integration, so you can PM players across servers, friends list to see their online status, and better clan integration.
Active development and more releases in a timely manner. Bug fixes and game improvements.
Better moderation on the forums, and if I can wish for anything, I would like that some people get away form Assault Cube forever, namely Undead, Giga, and some others to a less degree.
Return of the jamz.
Official tournaments and an official ladder, official competitions for content creation.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What would you actually like to see in AC? - by RKTnoob - 26 May 15, 03:15PM