What would you actually like to see in AC?
- a pause command
- regular (monthly ?) patches to avoid 2-3 years without a change
- no more map restrictions, it's anti-fun
- separate the master server into custom (gema, custom maps) & official modes
- a developing team that actively asks for community help, feedback and ideas on how to improve their gaming experience
- a rework or the weapon balance by players who actually know what they're doing
- more official statements & tournaments regarding the competitive/active side of AC to encourage newer players to stick and improve in this game
I'm not sure if the ideas mentionned in this thread will even help because they shouldve been implemented years ago... But it's still worth a (last?) try!
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What would you actually like to see in AC? - by DamDam - 26 May 15, 09:46AM