teokillr admin abuse
I don't see the abuse here. Those maps are not allowed on our servers, go play them somewhere else. Thanks.
May 15 01:58:10 [] CamperExpert says: 'can we try some new fun exciting map?'
May 15 01:58:20 [] client JoshDIGRhodes failed to call a vote: load map 'camper-minecraft-edition' in mode 'ctf' (no permission)
May 15 01:59:12 [] client JoshDIGRhodes failed to call a vote: load map 'camp_camper' in mode 'team deathmatch' (can't vote that often)
May 15 01:59:18 [] client JoshDIGRhodes called a vote: load map 'camp_camper' in mode 'team deathmatch'
May 15 01:59:20 [] player teokillr used admin password in line 118
May 15 01:59:20 [] set role of player teokillr to admin
May 15 01:59:21 [] set role of player teokillr to normal player
May 15 01:59:30 [] client Number2 called a vote: load map 'littleroombyyourteddybear' in mode 'team one shot, one kill'
May 15 01:59:35 [] set role of player teokillr to admin
May 15 01:59:35 [] set role of player teokillr to normal player
May 15 01:59:45 [] Microsoft_Sucks says: 'Dumb admin here?'
May 15 01:59:58 [] teokillr says: 'only official maps'
Close thread, please.
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Messages In This Thread
teokillr admin abuse - by Tylinater - 15 May 15, 07:13AM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by champo - 15 May 15, 12:03PM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by HoeHunter - 15 May 15, 03:56PM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by MPx - 24 May 15, 06:22PM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by Mousikos - 24 May 15, 10:08PM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by MPx - 25 May 15, 03:31AM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by Mousikos - 25 May 15, 03:48AM
RE: teokillr admin abuse - by +f0r3v3r+ - 25 May 15, 03:57AM