ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver?
(04 May 15, 05:41PM)stef Wrote: Oh? How about you go ahead and back that up by explaining why badly managed servers need to be on the list?

Well, they currently don't break any of the rules:

Quote:Servers will be banned from reporting to the Master Server if they have gameplay-affecting modifications (without using a modified protocol), if they use unvaried map rotations, or if they are noted by multiple AC forum users as being undesirable in some way, eg. constant offensiveness/abuse by admins.

!reset is a gameplay affecting command; it allows the user to respawn immediately, contrary to the respawn times in individual modes.
The following servers have been removed (26/10/2012) :
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver? - by Mousikos - 04 May 15, 06:51PM