ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver?
There are rules for servers on the MS - "unmodified gameplay" is one of them. But not alll rules are enforced all the time - mostly because usually there are grey areas.

For example, servers owners should make sure, that their servers are able to handle the load, because most players don't give a shit about the red and yellow bars in the serverbrowser. For example: the owner of this one ( should clearly limit his server to 12 or 13 slots, because his connection can't handle more.

However... server admins are given quite a bit of leeway when it comes to their blacklists. For the simple reason that it is a hard job and an ugly job to keep a server free of cheaters and others who want to cause mayhem. If you do this right, it involves hours of reading logfiles - and then making unpopular decisions on blacklisteing ranges of evading assholes. Most of those, who cone to the forum, second guessing, would never put in that amount of work themselves.

Of course, blacklisting someone "because he's too good" is nonsense. Is that really the reason? And is ketar actually the intended target of the ban, or did he just never ask for a deban pass?

But, since you'll always have to deal with some weird servers (of whatever kind): the serverbrowser has nice bookmark feature... just pick a few servers with reliably good connection (press F9 then F2) and a nice stack of maps in a good maprot (press F9 then M) and bookmark them. If no good game is running that allows you to join (what do you do with full servers, btw) - just start a new one with a nice map and mode. It'll take a few minutes longer to get a game running, but if you pick a good map, the server will fill up quick enough...

PS: 1Cap, how many hours have you spent reading server logs so far? (don't answer that...)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver? - by stef - 01 May 15, 11:37AM