The game runs VERY slow on my pc.
When I run the game on my laptop it runs VERY slow - which means literally 2 fps!
I can run games like cod4 or gta_sa perfectly fine, yet AssaultCube is unplayable.
I have already tried these: (by GibStick)
texreduce 3          //Reduces texture resolution
trilinear 0          //Disables trilinear filtering
bilinear 0           //Disables bilinear filtering (ugly as hell)
dynlights 0          //Disables dynamic lights
dynshadow 0          //Disables dynamic shadows
minlod 60            //Lower level of detail
vsync 0              //No vertical sync
lighterror 25        //The higher, the faster, the uglier
maxfps 500           //High framerate limit (but it doesn't mean it will go that high)

Haven't helped at all.
I run win8 on my machine, and as I said cod4 for example runs perfectly on highest settings..(so it's not the videocards or hardwares fault at all, as far as I know)
any help appriciated, thank you!
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Messages In This Thread
The game runs VERY slow on my pc. - by _DucK_ - 14 Apr 15, 07:00AM