31 Mar 15, 06:04AM
(25 Nov 14, 06:49PM)IBiteBack Wrote: ...does anyone know what is specifically wrong with the HeadShotCity maps?
Basic map requirements are here to give the total illusion for some devs that shitty maps are blocked while they are dodging the restrictions instead. It results in a smarter shitty maps' universe and a worse player experience. Since shitty maps are not shitty enough, some people are improving the restriction filter in each AC releases to be sure future versions of the game will release some even more shitty maps than the actual ones, and some people are improving their restriction dodging too, it results in worse played shitty maps each releases, old maps with an even shittiest gameplay because of the added pillars and many closed topics when some interesting arguments are dressed toward devs who want to keep the map resrictions, we used to have Ezjemvill and OldVillage, then with 1.1 restrictions became popular TwinTowers, thanks to the 1.2 for introducing the almighty Campers@Campers.