Why do I care about DPI?
I have also tried a lot of mice. I agree with Vanquish on nearly everything he said.
But I've had 3 g9x's. I use them only on the max 5700 DPI.
But also like Vanquish mentioned, the laser quality itself makes a huge difference.
The g9x is the perfect mouse (for me).
I have actually had a g100s. It was a (good) mouse. But even for my little woman hands it was too small. So I gave it to my ex-wife. HAHAHA! She used it for Sims and Urban Terror.
I have no idea why Razer is so popular. I had a Deathadder and a Taipan, and they were just.. decent. The Taipan I gave away, but the Deathadder crapped out one me.
My other favorites are more in the same price range as the g100s. The Flexbrains FBWMBLK01, the Anker AK-98AN2000 and the Red Dragon Mammoth (16,400 DPI). The Red Dragon was actually pretty awesome, but I've only used it a few times (got it as backup) and put it back in the box and in my closet.
To anyone wanting a great mouse for under $30 I suggest the Flexbrains. Ugly as sin to me, but an awesome mouse.
The mouse you have is great. The sensitivity does't really matter for most players TBH. It's what you become most comfortable with. Personally I think that raw input from the mouse on the highest possible DPI setting and the lowest comfortable speed setting in AC is best for me. But I also used a little $10 mini-mouse for several months with a max of (I think) 800 DPI, and jacked up the mousespeed in AC, and did OK. In the end, you will have to try different combinations of settings and just go with what's most comfy for you. Also I noticed someone said something about just getting a cheap wireless mouse. I would say use whatever you are comfortable with, EXCEPT a wireless mouse. A wired connection is, and will likely always be the best way to go.
ALSO!: Redragon Archelon mousepad FTFW: best $10 I ever spent.
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Messages In This Thread
Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 15 Dec 14, 11:18PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by PhaNtom - 15 Dec 14, 11:21PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Marti - 15 Dec 14, 11:30PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by ExodusS - 16 Dec 14, 04:50PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 21 Mar 15, 05:54AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 16 Dec 14, 12:29AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 16 Dec 14, 12:46AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 16 Dec 14, 12:50AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Flames - 16 Dec 14, 01:32PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Marti - 16 Dec 14, 02:56PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by G1gantuan - 16 Dec 14, 03:37PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by PhaNtom - 16 Dec 14, 04:41PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by G1gantuan - 17 Dec 14, 12:09PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 16 Dec 14, 05:20PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by al3rt - 16 Dec 14, 11:02PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 17 Dec 14, 12:41AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by ExodusS - 17 Dec 14, 01:04AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by vonunov - 17 Dec 14, 02:01AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by ExodusS - 17 Dec 14, 02:55AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 17 Dec 14, 03:04AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Halte - 17 Dec 14, 03:57PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by al3rt - 17 Dec 14, 08:53PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Boomhauer - 21 Mar 15, 07:21AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by vonunov - 21 Mar 15, 05:42PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Waffles - 21 Mar 15, 06:28PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 29 Mar 15, 01:23AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 29 Mar 15, 02:20AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 29 Mar 15, 03:43AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Waffles - 29 Mar 15, 04:23AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by macm - 29 Mar 15, 07:26PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 29 Mar 15, 02:32PM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Vanquish - 30 Mar 15, 12:21AM
RE: Why do I care about DPI? - by Mousikos - 22 May 15, 07:57PM