I want to share with you the green helmet,I didn't like the default skin for the helmet so I didn't make a new one,I just added a green color and put more light and color for the metal and the brown part,not a big deal but it's a notable difference when you play and you see the colored helmet.
If you want to get it just click in the green image and save the image and put it on your pickups folder.
*Any suggestions,opinions and constructive crittics (no matter if are bad,but no offenses.) are accepted if you stay in the topic,flame and troll comments no plz.
Edit: This is a preview of it in the game,sry for bad quality xD
Here is the comparison.
If you want to get it just click in the green image and save the image and put it on your pickups folder.
*Any suggestions,opinions and constructive crittics (no matter if are bad,but no offenses.) are accepted if you stay in the topic,flame and troll comments no plz.
Edit: This is a preview of it in the game,sry for bad quality xD