My OS X build environment:
OS X Yosemite (10.10.2)
Xcode 6.2
GitHub for Mac
How To Compile Assault Cube 'next' for Mac.
Step 1
Download and install the latest copy of XCode, which is free software provided by Apple, from the Mac App Store at At the time of writing, Xcode is a hefty download weighing in at 2.58GB. Download it, and while waiting for it to download, grab a coffee or watch some TV.
Step 2
Warning: Do not download the ZIP! It will not work!
With Xcode downloaded and installed on your computer, we now need to clone the AssaultCube project. Install Github for Mac from . Then, navigate to the AssaultCube repo at and click "Clone in Desktop" from the right hand sidebar.
Step 3
Once Github for Mac has finished cloning, change the branch you want to use like I have done in my screenshot. Sync it and then browse to the ‘AC’ folder destination you have cloned to.
Step 4
Open the ‘AC’ folder and browse through the files (AC > source > xcode) until you find the XCode project file called 'assaultcube.xcodeproj'. Double click this file and it should open in Xcode.
Step 5
With Xcode open, click on the assault cube project file in the left hand side bar. This will allow you to change some settings within the project file that will enable you to compile Assault Cube. Go to Build Settings and under Architectures change Base SDK to 10.10 (latest) and change Build Active Architecture Only - Release Deployment to ‘yes’.
Step 6
In the upper left hand corner you should see 'assaultcube' and My Mac (64-bit). First, click where it says 'assaultcube' as shown in my screenshot, then change the build configuration to release-deployment.
Step 7
Now we are at the building stage. There is a 'play' button in the upper left hand corner of Xcode, this will build AC. Hit it. Enable ‘Developer Mode’ as you wish.
Step 8
At this point Xcode will state ‘Build failed’. Don’t worry, this is normal. In the left hand side bar Xcode will show you a lot of warning symbols and issues that have come up. The only ones that matter here are the last, the Semantic Issues in glext.h. Please comment out (//) any red errors in glext.h ONLY, like I have done in the screenshots below. If you are seeing any Mach-O errors at this point you may have done something wrong, please go back a few steps and make sure you are building correctly. You should only have to comment out 3 lines in total.
Step 9
Again, hit the play button in the upper left hand corner of Xcode, this will build AC. Congratulations! Build Succeeded! At this point your screen will go black for a moment and Xcode will probably give you an output that it could not launch AssaultCube.
This is normal. Go to step 10.
Step 10
Open finder. Go to Library > Developer > Xcode > DerivedData > assaultcube-cmhdicjxajxouscwdfdbwigmrihz > Build > Products > Release-Deployment > assaultcube.dmg
You should copy the created in this dmg to somewhere where it will not overwrite your regular assault cube installation. Remember, you are testing a future version of Assault Cube and this release is incompatible with the ‘current’ Assault Cube version. It will however use all your current settings etc, stored in the Library > Application Support folder, like your standard install.
Want the latest updates that have been committed to this branch? Just hit 'Sync' in your GitHub app, load up Xcode and hit the compile button again!