04 Mar 15, 12:51AM
Minion made a good point about that on our TS.
IMO, a clan war would be boring.
Quote:<20:43:15> "[Enamorado de Pizza] Minion": Se supone que en éste tipo de torneos se les da la oportunidad de mezclar a "pro's" con jugadores de nivel medio para ser más parejo. De nada sirver hacer clan war porque hay clanes muy buenos y se haría predesible quién ganaría y quienes no, en cambio, si es mezclado, podríamos llevarnos una sorpresa :D
Quote:<20:43:15> "[Love with Pizza] Minion": It is assumed that this type of tournaments are given the opportunity to mix a "pro's" and mid-level players to be more even. It is useless to make a clan war because there are very good clans and would predesible who would win and who will not, however, if mixed, could bring a surprise :D
IMO, a clan war would be boring.