03 Feb 15, 06:41AM
N64 is old school. Why are we suggesting Old School when it's not a feasible recommendation? Grow AC first, then bank it good style to a past gaming system. Why is this conversation even happening? Does the dumbfuck who made this thread even understand N64? Let's discuss that topic before we begin to consider a topic like AssaultCube. You fking redic. I get you. I really do. Super Smash. Mario Kart. BADASS GAMES, but AssaultCube really? Like time-out... I honestly need to add another fking RLLY to that one. N64 and AC are old school but n64 isn't relevant today. It's all about "I wank this 'station and I wank that 'station. Welcome to reality. Get N64 to come back on a golden re-release and BOOM!!. There you go. Until then? Quit being a fking duestch and play the fking game.