Disappointed by lack of official mapping competitions
(17 Jan 15, 07:25AM)Snoosnoo Wrote: Howling with laughter. What nation are you from? Do you have any concept of sarcasm?

If you want to become familiar with it you can contact myslef a British, which invented the thing.
You clearly don't understand, and I'm more than happy to educate American folk who have no concept of sarcasm.

lol who even is this guy srsly

EDIT: based on your previous posts I can tell you're either dumb or you just don't think about people's posts after you read them, so I will clarify some things since I feel like that's important if we're gonna continue talking, don't want to have to repeat myself like Undead did (btw about undead, here is an example of undead not tearing someone else's map to shit, you'll find he's a very fair person, he's just brutally honest).
okay so firstly, I am British (don't mean this in an egotistical way but I'd have thought more people around here would know who I am than who you are (could possibly just be down to your own inactivity/the fact that i actually play the game/etc but yeah)), and secondly, I knew you were trying to be sarcastic. Keyword: trying. You failed because in this instance you really have made yourself look like a whining idiot, and the best part of all of it is your ignorance to the entire situation. I don't want to start an argument with you because my guess is that you're pretty young (sry if i'm wrong but if i am then god help you) and I also spammed forums like an idiot when I was a kid. My suggestion would just be to not take things so seriously because um well it's the internet and I'm guessing that both of us probably have better things to do than insult each other. ok, have a nice night brah \o
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Disappointed by lack of official mapping competitions - by Vanquish - 17 Jan 15, 08:43AM