We were asked many times to make AC more competitive. Many players indeed claimed that AC lacked rules and features for this kind of gameplay and the development was too much "public game" oriented.
10 days ago, i started to work on a modded version of the game thats tries to solve this problem.
Here are the features :
Dev stage
1) Download the installer/ZIP corresponding to your operating system (see "Download")
2) Follow the installing instructions. By default, it won't overwrite your first AC installation.
3) If you want to use the same settings as for your first AC installation, you need to copy config/saved.cfg from Documents/AssaultCube_v1.2 if you first installed AC in multi user mode or from your installation directory in the other case to Documents/MatchClient_v1.2 or the newly created installation directory depending on what type of installation you chose for the matchclient.
Dev Server
Requires the latest client, only for players with private access
Special thanks
Drakas and Sanzo for their advice.
Redbull, Million, and others for testing it.
10 days ago, i started to work on a modded version of the game thats tries to solve this problem.
Here are the features :
- /pause and /resume commands to call a vote for pausing or resuming the game
- /autopause (0|1) and /autoresume (0|1) to toggle autopause and autoresume on or off. These features automatically stop or resume the game in case a player leaves or join the server back.
- /halftime (0|1) to toggle half time for following games. If it is enabled, the game will pause for 15 seconds at half time and teams will be swapped.
- /sortteams to sort teams by clan tags
- /switchteams to swap CLA and RVSF
- Restricted list of map/modes. The current list can be found at the end of this post.
- Overview spectate mode fixed and enabled without having to use /spectatemode 6
- onHit, onAttack removed (because they were abused and did not fit AC competitive spirit). Debugging features removed.
- unnecessary features removed
- country flags
- ability to see players through walls while watching a demo
Dev stage
- 14/01/2015: first experimental phase.
- 17/01/2015: client update
1) Download the installer/ZIP corresponding to your operating system (see "Download")
2) Follow the installing instructions. By default, it won't overwrite your first AC installation.
3) If you want to use the same settings as for your first AC installation, you need to copy config/saved.cfg from Documents/AssaultCube_v1.2 if you first installed AC in multi user mode or from your installation directory in the other case to Documents/MatchClient_v1.2 or the newly created installation directory depending on what type of installation you chose for the matchclient.
- /connect woop.ac 1337
Dev Server
Requires the latest client, only for players with private access
- /connect woop.ac 8999
- For now, this mod does not contain any anticheat feature
- The gameplay is not changed. You can use this client on regular server without any difference.
- The client was barely tested. It also includes other changes made to AC since its release. Expect bugs, but please, if you are having any issue, report it here.
Special thanks
Drakas and Sanzo for their advice.
Redbull, Million, and others for testing it.