04 Jan 15, 05:28AM
(04 Jan 15, 04:26AM)foa.trionkali Wrote: Alright thanks DrauL
Yes music I tried that, wouldn't work. Thanks though :-)
Unless I did it wrong of course, this is my first experience with cube script.
It can be done, but you must keep present that the menus are static so you cant change the text on it.
You must destroy the menu and then create it again.
alias create_whoismenu [
delmenu player_list
newmenu player_list
loop i (+ (highestcn) 1) [
if (isclient $i) [
menuitem (concatword (c 3) (player $i name)) (format "whois %1" $i)
bind KEY [ create_whoismenu; showmenu player_list ]