24 Dec 14, 07:33PM
I hate to say it, but the license of those files are ambiguous, and best assumed to be under copyright.
Notice on that page you linked to:
Basically, unless there is a license associated with the files inside the package, assume it is under copyright. Now, you can talk to makkE (the author of those sounds) and ask him about the licensing. Have us shoot over an email with the actual license and we will be sure to add it.
Notice on that page you linked to:
For anything else, please check in your ./docs/package_copyrights.txt file and any individual *.txt files or *.cfg files within AssaultCube to see if permission is granted to redistribute that data. If no permission is found, you MUST assume that the data is COPYRIGHT and you are NOT allowed to redistribute that data outside of an UNMODIFIED AssaultCube package(s).
Basically, unless there is a license associated with the files inside the package, assume it is under copyright. Now, you can talk to makkE (the author of those sounds) and ask him about the licensing. Have us shoot over an email with the actual license and we will be sure to add it.