22 Dec 14, 06:50PM
(22 Dec 14, 10:49AM)MathiasB Wrote: Well, I haven't got any hardware out of Belgium... So I can only contribute a decent EU server
yopa Wrote:I could probably host one at my vps
Mousikos Wrote:Sounds good. I would, but I have four AC servers + web server on my VPS right now and I think that's pushing it.
Any contribution is warmly welcome :). Please bear in mind that any currently running servers can start reporting to the ladder, so no necessity to start up new ones. I'm more than happy if you are willing to contribute to the ladder as a server-provider. If so, don't hesitate to contact me at: http://ac-fraglog.tk/contact.php
For anyone interested, the serverlist that reports to the ladder is here: http://ac-fraglog.tk/info/#servers
Marti Wrote:Question: why does the FrT server only have 10 slots? :/
It's at 12 slots now and will be at 14 in the upcoming hours. We were testing to see some features :)
As for ladder updates; you can now see your monthly achievement statistics right in your profile! To find out how you can win achievements or how it works, head here: http://ac-fraglog.tk/info/#achievements
Any feedback is cordially appreciated :)