New (correctly) hitfixed matchservers
Well, maybe that mod was pointless, and a server without anticheat is hardly unique, since any home compiling necessarily removes it, but there's plenty still in favor:

- SSD and gigabit (=fast)
- Stockholm (a nice solid server for Europe)
- Having anticheat gone is itself an asset to some, and no detriment with private servers or good admins

I don't think anyone tried to blame anticheat for the hit dropping, it's just that anticheat happens to be gone now that modifications were made to the source code.

I'd also like to point out that none of these things mean the servers can't be on the public masterserver, as far as I know.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: New (correctly) hitfixed matchservers - by vonunov - 20 Dec 14, 01:10AM