Woop.ac - The Woop Clan AssaultCube Match League
The Woop Clan are proud to invite you to our new AssaultCube Match League at http://woop.ac.

The matches with their demos appear automatically and are recorded from our Aura servers:

aura.woop.ac 1999, aura.woop.ac 2999, aura.woop.ac 3999, aura.woop.ac 4999 (EU)
tyr.woop.ac 1999, tyr.woop.ac 2999 (US)
These servers have been hitfixed.

Be fair, enjoy it and spread the word. We have many ideas for this website, but we need to be sure it will be worth our time.

Any feedback, including ideas and sketches, let us know via our TeamSpeak server at aura.woop.ac.


Sanzouille, Drakas & the Woop Clan.

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Messages In This Thread
Woop.ac - The Woop Clan AssaultCube Match League - by Sanzo'' - 19 Dec 14, 11:54AM