Poll: Would care if the AC community eventually stopped existing
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No. I'm ready to move on.
5 12.82%
Yes but there's nothing really to do about it.
10 25.64%
Yes, and something should be done to ensure that the community stays alive.
24 61.54%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
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My Thoughts. Would like input.
(02 Dec 14, 11:36PM)DamDam Wrote: The game did not stop when those "AC Legends" left. In fact, the game progressed, evolved and changed into what it was in 1.1, which was arguably AC at its popularity peak.
Anyone that thinks that 1.1 was the peak of AC never played an earlier version. 1.1 is what ruined the game in my opinion. Over time, the version grew on me but most people were not as patient which resulted in them finding another game or just moving on.

Pweaks is 100% right, people play this game in high school and then in college, they decide to move on and what not. I'm not sure that a tutorial would do much because who actually reads them? I have personally never read a tutorial for the 100's of games I've played.

I am sure the devs are more worried about releasing the next version at the moment but help us all out and state what you are willing and not willing to do as far as Steam. I am sure plenty of people are willing to help, just ask and let us discuss Assault Cube's future. There is no point of a bunch of non developers to discuss this alone because we are not gonna do much as far as changing the game. Most of us can only offer our opinion and I beg you guys to listen to everybody's. You guys are the leaders of this game, take control of it and let everyone in the community come to a possible agreement to better this game.
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Messages In This Thread
My Thoughts. Would like input. - by MerCyKiL - 30 Nov 14, 06:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 30 Nov 14, 02:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 30 Nov 14, 06:10PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Flint - 01 Dec 14, 05:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Undead - 21 Dec 14, 09:58AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Andrez - 30 Nov 14, 10:57PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by stef - 01 Dec 14, 03:19PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 01 Dec 14, 04:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Cemer - 02 Dec 14, 06:16AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 04:39PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 05:52PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by pweaks - 02 Dec 14, 11:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Orynge - 02 Dec 14, 09:11AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 02 Dec 14, 11:36PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by bballn45 - 03 Dec 14, 12:21AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 03 Dec 14, 12:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 03 Dec 14, 12:49AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 03 Dec 14, 08:27AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 10:46AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 11:32AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 22 Dec 14, 10:03AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by al3rt - 22 Dec 14, 10:26AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Money$hot - 23 Dec 14, 02:47AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 23 Dec 14, 03:51AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 12:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 05:04PM