Poll: Would care if the AC community eventually stopped existing
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No. I'm ready to move on.
5 12.82%
Yes but there's nothing really to do about it.
10 25.64%
Yes, and something should be done to ensure that the community stays alive.
24 61.54%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
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My Thoughts. Would like input.
(02 Dec 14, 11:35AM)pweaks Wrote: What I was thinking the other day was that the majority of the players that were in the competitive scene 3-5 years ago were all kids in high school, like myself. Back then, there wasn't really too many obligations. These kids are now adults and studying in universities, colleges or working nine to five jobs. There's simply not enough time to manage leagues, tournaments and cups. I feel like the torch didn't pass on to the next generation of Cubers.

This 100%
Thats it really, I've talked about in my previous wall of text post on another thread but its summed up here.
There are no new players to replace those who left or cant play as much.
Back in 0.93 when Drakas, tenshi, Majikal, impakt were at their peak
Or later on when ech0, Sanzo, Undead, LC, IAF were on the top of the game.

See, I wasnt around the competitive side when all of that happened, but I know about it because there was always people who were talking about it and passing the torch.
The game did not stop when those "AC Legends" left. In fact, the game progressed, evolved and changed into what it was in 1.1, which was arguably AC at its popularity peak.

The problem we have now is that the game hasnt changed (no need to repeat again, blabla devs narrow minded etc..) and newer players did not stay.
Was the game not attractive? Not innovative? Not bringing enough opportunities for newcomers?

Whatever the answer to those questions are, it doesnt matter now because pubs are empty and the AC playerbase hasnt been renewed. Unless it gets a kick in (Steam might help), i doubt a game like AC can attract masses of people out of nowhere..
If the Steam option goes through however, I suggest we should have AC development renewed and new things implemented so that newcomers dont join an unpleasant and non-appealing game...

Again, I'm afraid it really is too late because the ones that once cared enough to try to help are gone, and those who remain here dont have nearly as much time to dedicate to AC as they used to..
So... Who's gonna do the work now? :/
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Messages In This Thread
My Thoughts. Would like input. - by MerCyKiL - 30 Nov 14, 06:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 30 Nov 14, 02:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 30 Nov 14, 06:10PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Flint - 01 Dec 14, 05:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Undead - 21 Dec 14, 09:58AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Andrez - 30 Nov 14, 10:57PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by stef - 01 Dec 14, 03:19PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 01 Dec 14, 04:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Cemer - 02 Dec 14, 06:16AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 04:39PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 05:52PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by pweaks - 02 Dec 14, 11:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Orynge - 02 Dec 14, 09:11AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 02 Dec 14, 11:36PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 03 Dec 14, 12:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 03 Dec 14, 12:49AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 03 Dec 14, 08:27AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 10:46AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 11:32AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 22 Dec 14, 10:03AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by al3rt - 22 Dec 14, 10:26AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Money$hot - 23 Dec 14, 02:47AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 23 Dec 14, 03:51AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 12:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 05:04PM