Poll: Would care if the AC community eventually stopped existing
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No. I'm ready to move on.
5 12.82%
Yes but there's nothing really to do about it.
10 25.64%
Yes, and something should be done to ensure that the community stays alive.
24 61.54%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
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My Thoughts. Would like input.

If regulars would actually jump over their own shadow for once.. good map/mode combinations are possible and do get played. even now.
It's stupid to think its the dev's job and duty to maintain the modes/maps servers offer.. its the server owners and communities job to provide a decent choice of maps etc. but this doesnt happen as many regulars hide in match servers or behind an alias and do not even try to join&fill up empty servers - usually they do in 1-5 minutes and you got a good pub going.

Now I cant tell how it looks in your timezone (actually I have no idea where you are from .. US I think?) but in my timezone there are usually atleast 2-3 servers offering CTF on official/decent custom maps and I honestly dont see whats wrong with LSS/TOSOK ac_douze, after all thats AC too and often enough its possible to vote a CTF through with players who prefer those combinations too.

the tutorial idea is good but how many of the noobs find or get to know about this place if they dont look for it themselves? its also the communities job to be present ingame and give starting points for noobs.

g1gantuan: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-35.html before you load yourself up with an awfull lot of work read this and maybe figure out whats missing or can be updated instead of writing a completly new guide? just a suggestion xD
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Messages In This Thread
My Thoughts. Would like input. - by MerCyKiL - 30 Nov 14, 06:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 30 Nov 14, 02:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 30 Nov 14, 06:10PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Flint - 01 Dec 14, 05:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Undead - 21 Dec 14, 09:58AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Andrez - 30 Nov 14, 10:57PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by stef - 01 Dec 14, 03:19PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 01 Dec 14, 04:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Cemer - 02 Dec 14, 06:16AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 04:39PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 05:52PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by pweaks - 02 Dec 14, 11:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Orynge - 02 Dec 14, 09:11AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Robtics - 02 Dec 14, 03:41PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 02 Dec 14, 11:36PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 03 Dec 14, 12:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 03 Dec 14, 12:49AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 03 Dec 14, 08:27AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 10:46AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 11:32AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 22 Dec 14, 10:03AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by al3rt - 22 Dec 14, 10:26AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Money$hot - 23 Dec 14, 02:47AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 23 Dec 14, 03:51AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 12:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 05:04PM