Poll: Would care if the AC community eventually stopped existing
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No. I'm ready to move on.
5 12.82%
Yes but there's nothing really to do about it.
10 25.64%
Yes, and something should be done to ensure that the community stays alive.
24 61.54%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

My Thoughts. Would like input.
This game doesn't need a tournament, it needs more players. The only reason people host tournaments any more is to actually play 3v3 without having to look for an hour. If this game we were to actually get more players, we wouldn't need tournaments because the competitive scene would be healthy. Steam should definitely be considered an option.

List of Pros and Cons if we go to Steam.

More Players
Better Competitive Scene
More Coders could come and help with development(maybe)
Pubs could actually be competitive again(hopefully)

Downloading the game through Steam would be annoying(Steam is actually less buggy than it was a year ago)

What I see from going to Steam is so many possibilities. What is the worst thing that could happen if we go to Steam?
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
My Thoughts. Would like input. - by MerCyKiL - 30 Nov 14, 06:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 30 Nov 14, 02:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 30 Nov 14, 06:10PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Flint - 01 Dec 14, 05:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Undead - 21 Dec 14, 09:58AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Andrez - 30 Nov 14, 10:57PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by stef - 01 Dec 14, 03:19PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 01 Dec 14, 04:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Cemer - 02 Dec 14, 06:16AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 04:39PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by bballn45 - 01 Dec 14, 04:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 05:52PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by pweaks - 02 Dec 14, 11:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Orynge - 02 Dec 14, 09:11AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 02 Dec 14, 11:36PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 03 Dec 14, 12:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 03 Dec 14, 12:49AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 03 Dec 14, 08:27AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 10:46AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 11:32AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 22 Dec 14, 10:03AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by al3rt - 22 Dec 14, 10:26AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Money$hot - 23 Dec 14, 02:47AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 23 Dec 14, 03:51AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 12:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 05:04PM